About Us
Enabling companies to perform at their best through technology.
Our Story
Enabling the growth of our clients with simplified and tailored technology solutions and support.We understand that finding the right IT solution for your needs can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to simplify the process that is perfectly tailored, to ensure your company is productive and protected, no matter what comes your way.
Be the holistic IT provider of choice for the needs of mid-market companies in Australia and around the globe. Our vision is simple: we want to help your company grow by providing you with access to the latest technologies and IT solutions, all in one central place.Think of us like your partners for life when it comes to ensuring your technology is (and will continue to)help you do what you do best. Partnering with Essential Tech means never having to worry about whether your IT set-up has your back again.

Understand and respect each person’s unique perspective whilst building mutual trust and loyalty both with our clients and each other.
Be approachable and extend a helping hand to our clients as we collaborate with them to achieve and support their company goals.
Create a fun, relaxed and calm environment for everyone to enjoy, no matter what is happening in the world around us.
Knowing that our clients rely on us to help them keep doing what they do best, we are flexible and respectful with their time.
Think ahead and holistically as we solve challenges with solutions that are both smart and simple to enable the growth of our clients.
Giving back to the community
As a company and as individuals, we give back to the community and to causes close to us by volunteering our time and participating in fundraising activities.
We signed up and completed the River to Rooftop challenge to raise funds for domestic violence victims. The funds allow Women’s Legal Services to provide legal and welfare help to women and their children impacted by domestic violence.
We also give back to the community by providing volunteer speakers to leading peak bodies such as Leading Age Services Australia and the Australasian Legal Practice Management Association enabling them to educate their members about IT best practice and management.
If you’d like to talk to us further about your IT needs, please contact us to organise a time that suits.