9 ways managed IT services promotes business growth

Businesses of all industries can benefit from having a managed IT services provider. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise with multiple offices across the country, managed IT services will be beneficial for your company. 

Not only will these services help streamline internal processes and make data security easier to manage, they can also help you grow as a business.

What are managed IT services?

Managed IT services are a type of IT solution where an organisation outsources its IT management to a third party. The services are designed to deliver organisational benefits, such as optimising staff resources and reducing risk, across multiple platforms and operations. 76% of Australian and New Zealand businesses surveyed stated managed IT services are their biggest opportunity for increasing sales.

At their core, managed IT services comprises the management of IT assets, including infrastructure, monitoring and management, and security. This can include everything from procurement and controls, to implementing technology and compliance controls.

9 ways managed IT services promote business growth

Gain a competitive edge

If your business is in a highly competitive industry and is facing stiff competition, managed IT services can help you gain a competitive edge. With managed IT services, your business has access to experts who can help you analyse and optimise your daily operations by streamlining your tech for best use and performance. This can help you gain an edge over your competitors, and make it easier to stay ahead of the competition.

Decrease operational costs

As the complexity of IT systems increases, the costs associated with keeping them running have increased as well. If you have the right managed IT services, you can automate certain processes and reduce the number of full-time employees you need. That can mean fewer employees required to cover the same number of hours. Those savings can help you keep your overhead costs down, which can help boost your bottom line.

Reduce risk to data integrity

When it comes to data integrity and loss, managed IT services can help you lower your risk factor. You can ensure that the technology your company uses is reliable, secure, and compliant with regulations. 

Disasters such as data loss and theft may be avoided through disaster recovery, data backup, and business continuity planning. Managed services offer many cyber security solutions to protect your sensitive information and networks.

Boost IT security and compliance

Security and compliance are two critical aspects of managed IT services. Managed IT services can help you ensure that you stay compliant with your federal, state, and local laws, as well as ensure that your data is secure and protected. The cyber threat landscape is always shifting, so you need to stay updated and prepared.

Cyber security affects the way your company operates and impacts the way your clients view its products and services. It can also impact your bottom line. If your organization doesn’t have effective security in place, it can lead to financial losses. 

Increased uptime

Businesses need reliable and resilient networks to ensure their operations are running smoothly. With managed services, you can ensure business networks are more resilient and are running at optimum performance. This will increase the uptime of your networks, which can help all of your business operations run more smoothly. 

With increased uptime, your business can increase the volume of work that gets done. This can result in increased revenue, lower customer service costs, and fewer delays in getting projects completed.

Improved network scalability

As your company grows, you’ll likely need to expand your network. Managed IT services will ensure that your network is scalable, which can prevent you from having to expand or scale down your network too quickly. 

Scaling your network too quickly could have damaging consequences for your business and your network. It could mean you have to reduce the capacity of your network, which could result in reduced network reliability and speed for users.

Better focus on strategic projects

With the right IT provider on hand, you can take more time to focus on strategic initiatives. Your MSP can help you decide on the right software to use, hardware upgrades for your business operations, or where to invest your time and energy. 

This will help you maximise the IT capabilities utilised, resulting in higher operational efficiency. With your IT infrastructure taken care of, and less IT issues being raised internally, you and your people can focus on your business tasks without worrying about your systems. 

Improved business productivity

An MSP can provide reliable, streamlined, scalable, and well-supported IT environments, which will increase your productivity and streamline day-to-day tasks. MSPs often provide network management resources along with a team of IT experts so you can get the right advice, when you need it, without having to waste your time on research or trial-and-error.

Better hardware and software

It’s important to invest in the right tools and hardware for your business’ IT needs, but it can be challenging to decide which tools are right for your situation. In order to make sure you’re investing in the right things, you need to know what your business needs are. For example, if your business is looking to grow, it might be time to upgrade your infrastructure. 

With managed IT services, your provider can help you decide what hardware and software would best suit your needs. This way, you don’t end up with outdated hardware unable to handle the demands of your growing business.

Discover what managed services can do for you

As your business grows, the need for high-quality IT services grows with it. Managed IT services provide the benefits of having an IT partner on hand, but with the flexibility to organise your IT team in the way that’s best for your business.

The expert IT team at Essential Tech has all the knowledge, experience, and tools to help your business grow sustainably and stay ahead of the competition.


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