From Oonadatta To Wangaratta; Do Your Staff Work Remotely? DECC Case Study
If Your Business Operates From Multiple Locations In Australia, You May Understand The Frustration Of Keeping Your Staff Online And Connected. Slow Speeds, Poor Internet Connectivity And Insecure Connections Are Just A Few Of The Issues That Businesses Face When They Have Remote Workers.
For DECC, poor network access and slow speeds made it impossible for staff to share, edit and store their files. The company needed to be able to communicate effectively between their offices and remote staff.
Find out how our cloud-based solutions saved DECC thousands of dollars and how we connected their offices and staff; even at the most remote locations!
Do your staff work remotely? Having troubles communication between staff and multiple offices? Essential Tech have the expertise to help.
After a comprehensive consultation with DECC we identified the following challenges.
Our Assessment
DECC have multiple offices across Australia and staff often work in remote locations. The company was unable to share resources, data or files across their network, or communicate effectively from a remote location.
Managers need to access graphic intensive applications, such as AutoCad, from demolition sites. These applications experienced slow performance on laptops and staff were unable to share, edit or securely store these files from different locations.
Remote workers needed to have secure connections to laptops and access points.
The main data server was Sydney based and other Australian offices had poor network access and speeds.
Communication between offices was reliant on traditional communication systems including phone and fax.
How We Helped
Cloud Computing Power:
We implemented high performance cloud servers with dedicated graphics cards to maximise Autocad functionality and graphic intensive applications.
Faster Speeds:
Staff can access Autocad from their iPads and other devices, without experiencing a lag in speed.
The cloud-based solution eliminates the need for expensive laptops and PCs, which are normally required for running graphic intensive programs.
Higher Productivity Through Private Cloud Services:
We moved the data from a centralised server in Sydney to a private cloud that allowed their offices to have seamless access to data.
A Seamless Internet And IT Experience:
After moving to the secure EGG datacentre, DECC have experiencedfast Internetspeeds up to 500 mbit/sec. A local server resulted in Sydney being the only office with good network access, while the new system provides a seamless user experience.
Better Communication & Faster Decision Making:
The PBX system (VOIP services) was moved to the cloud, allowing access from any location. This was previously only available at the Sydney office.
Video Conferencing:
The implementation of Skype for Business and Microsoft Office 365 enables video conferencing capabilities between offices.
End-To-End Security:
A Sophos XG firewall provides end-to-end security. Whether the system is accessed at physical or remote onsite offices, this solutionprotects against security threats and vulnerabilities. We also installed comprehensive security suites for their firewall, antivirus andemail security.
Secure Server Protected By Best Security Suites:
A secure environment has been created for staff to access Autocad and other similar programs via the cloud. Staff can securely backup, access and review their files, regardless of location, and have the added benefit of version control.
Optimal Connectivity & Security:
The laptops and tablets used at remote locations were provided with 4g secure dongles that allows access to the internet at most remote locations. DECC Staff can login anywhere, anytime and from any device and access data hence reducing a reliance on local data on laptops and desktop computers.
Reliability Of Managed IT Service: 100% Uptime:
Since moving to the new server, the company has experienced a 100% uptime. In a downtime scenario, Essential Tech is on standby to get the company back online within 3-15 minutes.
Brisbane Law Courts by DECC
Client Satisfaction
Measuring The Savings
Within the next five years, DECC will recoup the costs of their infrastructure upgrade and will continue to enjoy significantly improved security, productivity and user experience.
Services Used
IT Support
Disaster Recovery
Network Security
Phone & Data
Workstation Performance
Security Monitoring
Server Performance
Got Any Questions?
We listen and learn to understand your business challenges, so we can deliver effective solutions that meet your specific business needs. Speak with an expert now!
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