Take Control Of Unpredictable IT Bills. Calibre Real Estate Case Study
Unpredictable IT bills are a challenge for businesses. If you feel like you’re always fighting IT fires, then it’s time you got a plan that will keep you covered. Get control of IT costs, keep your valuable data safe and enjoy the benefits of a future-proof IT plan; all with affordable and predictable monthly costs.
The company had unpredictable IT bills and IT issues were dealt with in a reactive, instead of proactive, manner.
As there was no backup service in place, or an effective IT plan, valuable data was at risk of being lost.
How We Helped
Safe And Reliable Data Backups:
Data is automatically backed up to the cloud. With everything on the cloud, there’s no disasters caused from lost data and valuable files are safe. As an added safeguard, managed IT services perform regular tests on their backups.
End-To-End Security:
The company is protected from security threats and vulnerabilities with real-time, end-to-end protection, with a Sophos UTM firewall.
Built For Growth:
The new systems are built for growth and infrastructure has been planned for up to 100 new staff members.
We listen and learn to understand your business challenges, so we can deliver effective solutions that meet your specific business needs. Speak with an expert now!
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